Sheep-human hybrid : Birth of a new chimera organism.

Researchers from University of California have been successful in producing a chimera organism from DNA of sheep and human.The main purpose of this experiment was xenogenic generation of new organs. It is meant to change the future of organ donation- body parts synthesized from genetically modified sheep to save millions of lives waiting for organ donation. The process used here is by the infusion of human DNA in host (here sheep) embryo.It is based on the interspecies blastocyst complementation. The chimera DNA molecule is prepared using the CRISPR- Cas9 mediated genome editing of the zygote to disable the genes that are responsible for the production of the particular organ and then infusing with the complementary genes(from human pluripotent stem cells(hPSCs)) responsible for formation of the organs in humans.It results in a hybrid creature that's more than 99 percent sheep – but also a tiny, little bit like you and me. The human portion of the embryos created in th...