
Dimensions are one of my favorite word amongst other science crazy stuff. Dimensionality really is a crazy stuff which can be understood but very difficult to visualize beyond our 3-dimension world.
It had been a topic of science-fiction in various movies and books. But one of their accurate description can be found in a english novel Flatland -  a romance of many dimensions  by Edwin Abbott first published in 1884.

The mathematical space(or object) is informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify any within it. Let's get some basic facts about it. A point is said to be of the zero dimension. Two points can combine to form lines which forms one dimension. Now lines get attached to form structures of the two dimensions like square, triangle, etc. Now this structures can be stretched to the third dimension by giving it a height. It consists of shapes like cube, cuboid,pyramids, etc.  Now when these are taken to the fourth dimension by giving it an axis that is perpendicular to other three dimensions,tesseract being an example. This goes on by and by adding new axes, new coordinates. We can never actually visualize beyond our dimension. 

So if someday an object of higher dimension arrive on our 3D world we can see just a 3D cross-section of the object. It would seem to have magical qualities like it would grow or shrink in size, seem to come out of nowhere, seem to change shape, can see through all of us,and many more. 
So next time when you see something wierd of this type, think rationally! 


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